Building on GNU/Linux

Getting a copy of the code

The Donet software repository is hosted on GitLab, and mirrored to GitHub. You can get a copy of the repository on your local machine by using Git to clone the repo.

On your computer, clone with:

$ git clone

Building from source

Donet uses Meson as the build system, which in turn calls Cargo.

The quickest way to build for debug is to do the following:

Run the following Meson commands under the project directory:

$ meson setup build -Dprofile=debug
$ meson compile -C build


The instructions above will compile the Donet project and its crates without optimizations and includes more verbose logging. To build Donet for release, simply remove -Dprofile=debug.

If you are working on a contribution to either the Donet daemon or libdonet, please run code linting and unit testing before pushing:

$ meson compile linting -C build
$ meson compile tests -C build

These checks should go over all source files in the donet/ and libdonet/ source directories.


If you would like to build only certain Donet services into the output binary, you can use the available Meson options to trigger feature flags in the Crate:

$ meson setup build -Dbuild_state_server=true

If any build_* Meson options are passed, --no-default-features is passed to cargo build, which disables building all services. Only the service(s) that you explicitly request to be built will be activated via feature flags.