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This file is part of Donet.
Copyright © 2024 Max Rodriguez
Donet is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License,
as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Donet is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
License along with Donet. If not, see <>.
//! The DC parser outputs an [`Abstract Syntax Tree`], which is just a big
//! nested structure that defines the declarations in the DC file. At runtime,
//! the Donet daemon (and its services) need a class hierarchy structure in
//! memory to access while processing network messages.
//! This source file defines the process of taking in the DC file abstract
//! syntax tree as input and generating an output of a class hierarchy structure,
//! where each class has pointers to its children, and vice versa, with methods
//! that make it easy for the Donet daemon to look up information on the DC contract
//! at runtime in order to understand the network messages it receives.
//! [`Abstract Syntax Tree`]:
use super::ast;
use super::error::DCReadError;
use super::PipelineData;
use crate::dcfile;
use crate::dconfig::*;
use anyhow::Result;
/// Takes in the [`Abstract Syntax Trees`] from the last stage of the pipeline
/// and outputs a [`crate::dcfile::DCFile`] immutable structure.
/// [`Abstract Syntax Tree`]:
pub fn semantic_analyzer<'a>(pipeline: &mut PipelineData) -> Result<dcfile::DCFile<'a>, DCReadError> {
// tell the pipeline we are moving onto the next stage
// create a new interim DC file struct from our pipeline's dc parser configuration
let mut dc_file = dcfile::interim::DCFile::from(pipeline.get_dc_config().clone());
// Iterate through all ASTs and add them to our DCFile intermediate object.
for ast in pipeline.syntax_trees.clone() {
for type_declaration in ast.type_declarations {
match type_declaration {
ast::TypeDeclaration::PythonImport(import) => {
dc_file.add_python_import(pipeline, import.clone());
ast::TypeDeclaration::KeywordType(keyword) => {
dc_file.add_keyword(pipeline, keyword);
ast::TypeDeclaration::StructType(_) => {}
ast::TypeDeclaration::DClassType(_) => {}
ast::TypeDeclaration::TypedefType(_) => {}
// Ignore is returned by productions that parsed certain
// grammar that may be deprecated but ignored for
// compatibility & should not be added to the DC file.
ast::TypeDeclaration::Ignore => {}
pipeline.next_file(); // tell the pipeline we are processing the next file
if pipeline.failing() {
} else {
// Convert intermediate DC file structure to final immutable DC file structure.
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::read_dc;
use dcfile::DCPythonImport;
fn python_imports() {
let dc_config = DCFileConfig::default();
let dc_string: &str = "
from views import *
from views import DistributedDonut
from views import Class/AI/OV
let dcf: dcfile::DCFile = read_dc(dc_config, dc_string.into()).expect("Failed to parse syntax.");
let num_imports: usize = dcf.get_num_imports();
assert_eq!(num_imports, 3);
let symbols: Vec<Vec<String>> = vec![
vec!["Class".into(), "ClassAI".into(), "ClassOV".into()],
for index in 0..num_imports - 1 {
let import: &DCPythonImport = dcf.get_python_import(index);
assert_eq!(import.module, "views");
let target_symbols: &Vec<String> = symbols.get(index).unwrap();
assert_eq!(*target_symbols, import.symbols);
fn redundant_view_suffix() {
let dc_config = DCFileConfig::default();
let dc_string: &str = "
from views import Class/AI/OV/OV
let _ = read_dc(dc_config, dc_string.into()).expect("Should fail.");
fn keyword_already_defined() {
let dc_config = DCFileConfig::default();
let dc_string: &str = "
keyword abcdef;
keyword abcdef;
let _ = read_dc(dc_config, dc_string.into()).expect("Should fail.");